Biomath 2025 School for Young Scientists

The school comprises plenary lectures and sessions for contributed talks. The lectures specifically dedicated to the school are of more introductory nature giving foundations and insight into the respective topic rather then focusing on new results and are presented by some of the keynote speakers of the conference. A central event of the school is the Hot Topics Workshop. Several scholars act as moderators, presenting "hot areas" and related open problems. All PhD students and early career researchers participating in the conference are considered members of the school.

Tentative schedule of dedicated SYS lectures
15 June 2025, 15:00 - 17:30

16 June 2017, 8:30 – 9:30

Meeting with the keynote speakers 15 June 2017, 18:00 – 20:30
Young scientists, who intend to be part of the school, need to attend.

Certificates for successful completion of the School for Young Scientist (SYS) are issued to participants who have made a presentation (talk or poster) and attended all conference activities including the dedicated SYS lectures and the Hot Topics workshop.

Articles related to the organisation of the School for Young Scientists:

Biomathematical Conferences and Schools for Young Scientists at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

Integrating learning and research at the "Biomath" conference series

More about the SYS organization:

The plenary and keynote lecturers are asked to present their lectures in a suitable form for the broad audience and the SYS participants are asked to attend these lectures and are encouraged to ask questions. In addition, several of the established scholars known to have PhD students are asked to present "hot topics & open problems" and act as moderators of the discussions during this presentation. In this way the School for young scientists is fully integrated with the conference in the sense that both young scientists and many of the established scholars participate in the learning process. At an earliest occation the participating young scientists are gathered at a meeting and are instructed about the specific arrangement of the conference.

The integration of the SYS and the scientific conference enables certain benefits such as:
-- the distance between established lecturers and students diminishes or even vanishes;
-- students actively participate in the presentations as posing questions after lectures give them more scores; there is little possibility for the students to "sleep" during lectures (as may happen with traditional tutorial courses);
-- established scholars have the opportunity to know good students and students have the opportunity to make contacts with prestigeuos professors;
--during the open tasks sessions students learn about important biomathematical problems;
-- students recieve useful practical information related to their career;
-- time is saved: usually at least half a day is spend on tutorial lectures, that time is now saved.