Venue: University of Pretoria
Website at University Pretoria:

Abstract Submission

Please, use the latex template sample_abstract.tex with the style CBabstract.cls to write an abstract of your talk/poster. The abstract should not exceed one page. It should be submitted as an article in Biomath Communications. Please select section Conference Contributions (Pretoria) during the submission process. You need to register with the website or use an existing account. Log in as author to make a submission. Please, upload a pdf file as your main sibmission and the Latex source file as a supplementary file. For any enquiries regarding abstract submission, please, contact Michael Chapwanya (
Deadline: 15 May 2015. Notification of acceptance: 30 May 2015


Registration for BIOMATH2015-S will open on 7 April. Please complete the registration form to be provided here.

Registration Fees

Regular Registration Fee (by 31 May 2015): R1 500, for participants from Africa and EUR200 for other participants.
Late registration Fee (at conference desk): R2 000 (or 240 Euro)
The registration fee covers conference materials and publications, tea/coffee breaks and official dinner.

Additional ticket for the official dinner: R400 or EUR30

Payment Details

For banking details for EFT payments see the website at University Pretoria: