Scientific Program can be downloaded here.
Preliminary version of Conference Book is available here.
The abstracts of the conference talks are available online at
Emergency telephone numbers during the conference: +359 (0)888824567 (Svetoslav), +359 (0)889713387 (Nina)
Abstract Submission and Pre-Registration
Please, use the latex template sample_abstract.tex with the style
CBabstract.cls to write an abstract of your talk/poster.
The abstract should not exceed one page. It should be uploaded to the Conference Book on
You need to register with the website or use an existing account. Log in as author to make a submission. Please, upload a pdf file as your
main sibmission and the Latex source file as a supplementary file.
In exceptional cicumstances abstracts will be accepted in plain text or Word. However, these should not contain any special symbols, formulas or
figures. The metadata of the submission will be used to make the name
tags and compile the list of participants. If you do not intend to present a talk, please, make an empty submission (no files uploaded) where
"No talk to be presented" is entered as a title. For any enquiries regarding abstract submission, please, contact Elena Nikolova (
Deadline: 31 March 2013. Notification of acceptance: 15 April 2013
Registration Fees
Early Bird Registration Fee (by 30 April 2013): 200 Euro
Regular Registration Fee (by 31 May 2013): 240 Euro
Late registration Fee (at conference desk): 280 Euro
The registration fee covers conference materials and publications, tea/coffee breaks and official dinner.
PhD students receive 50% reduction. Supervisor's letter is required.
Members of ESMTB receive a reduction of 50 euro (25 euro for PhD students). The same reduction is applicable to participants who join ESMTB before or at
the conference and pay the ESMTB membership together with the registration fee. Online application form is available
here. Please, check the item "My fees are waived through ..." and type BIOMATH 2013.
Excursion: 50 euro.
Accompaning person: 100 Euro.
Payments can be made to the following account:
Bank: Raiffeisen Bank
Address of Bank: 101 Tzarigradsko Shose Blvd, 1113 Sofia
IBAN: BG51RZBB91551001997223
Beneficiary: Forum Biomath
Please, write your surname as a reference. Bank charges should be borne by the registrant.
In case of discounts, please, send an e-mail to
indicating the precise nature of the discount, e.g., student, ESMTB member, joining ESMTB now, or other. In the case of students, please, indicate
the expected date of completion of PhD and attach supervisor's letter.
All payments will be acknowledged by e-mail when received.