Financial Support

Opportunities for financial support will be announced here as they become available.

Financial Support from the Society for Mathematical Biology

The Society for Mathematical Biology provides grants for partial financial support of young researchers (graduate students, postdoctoral fellows not more than 5 years since PhD) who present their research at Biomath 2025. Each grant covers the registration fee and accommodation (shared, incl. breakfast), but no travel or visa expenses. The grants will be awarded on merit, while giving consideration to underrepresented groups, and applicants from low-income countries.

Before applying for financial support, first please make sure that you have registered for the conference and that you have submitted your Abstract following the instructions here. Next, please download and complete the Biomath 2025 financial aid application form. The following documents
1. Application Form
2. Curriculum Vitae
3. Recommendation Letter from Supervisor (Graduate Student Applicants)
should be submitted, as attachments in a single e-mail, to Please put “FINANCIAL AID REQUEST: BIOMATH 2025” in the subject line of your e-mail.
Deadline for applications: 18 April 2025.

Financial Support for young scientists affiliated to Bulgarian Research Institutions

Due to a grant from the Bulgarian Fund for Scientific Research (FSR) it is possible to provide partial financial support of young scientists (doctoral students, postdoctoral fellows and junior faculty - untenured, not more than 5 years since PhD) affiliated to Bulgarian research organizations or universities and who participate in the conference with a talk or poster presentation.
Please complete the application form.
The following documents
1. Application Form
2. Curriculum Vitae
3. Recommendation Letter from Supervisor (Doctoral Students)
should be submitted, as attachments in a single e-mail, to . Please put “FSR FINANCIAL SUPPORT: BIOMATH 2025” in the subject line of your e-mail.
Deadline: 31 March 2025